Unconjugated Rabbit anti-Goat beta lactoglobulin Polyclonal Antibody [IgG]
Výrobca: Bioss Katalógové č .: bs-2064R Aplikácie: Western Blot, Imunofluorescencia, Imunohistochémia, ELISA, ELISPOT Reaktivita: Goat Pôvod: Rabbit Klonalita: Polyclonal Podtrieda: IgG Status: RUO Dodatočné informácie: Produkt na webe výrobcu Popis:beta-lactoglobulin precursor; progestagen-associated endometrial protein; Beta lactoglobulin B; Beta-lactoglobulin; Beta-LG; Bos d 5; BLG; LACB_BOVIN; LGB.
Bovine beta-lactoglobulin is the content of the milk in the category of a protein myosin. Protein contained in whole milk (3.7 percent) to 80% of the casein in the removal of the casein whey protein, 55% of the beta-lactoglobulin. Access to the crystallization of the isoelectric point = 5.2, the pH in this dual capacity under the main structure. The people in latex-free Beta-lactoglobulin. The beta-lactoglobulin and bov beta-lactoglobulinA-based.